I’ve used Scrivener on my Mac since 2008, I think, and I love it. I’m not sure I could write a book without it at this point. I know it’s not for everyone, but it fits me and the way I approach and organize a story.
When I bought my first ipad (I waited until version 2) I was hoping that it would be useful enough that I could use it to replace lugging my laptop around when traveling. And when I saw that Literature and Latte had plans to release an iOS version of Scrivener, I firmly believed I was going to be all set. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen — then. Turns out there were more issues to be overcome than a simple port of the software, and to their credit, they refused to put out a product that would be less than what they wanted it to be. Continue reading “Scrivener for iOS – First Impressions”